Friday, April 16, 2010

Logic : About an article "Indifference will ensure nation wallows in the morass"

In the opening, the article starts with an argument by giving 2 premises.
Premise 1: The yellow shirts started first and their street protests contributed to the 2006 coup and subsequent changes in government.
Premise 2: Starting later, the red shirts have employed similar tactics but without causing any change of government, yet.
Conclusion: Both yellow and red shirts groups are fighting for change.

After above introduction, the most important argument is stated …..

Premise 1: With the ease of communications and widespread dissemination of information via television and other means, one would have to assume that most of them are aware of the claims and activities of the two groups and have chosen not to participate in either.

Premise 2: The culture and ancestors’ some words of wisdom likely condition a majority of Thais to have fence-sitting behavior.
Premise 3: The fence-sitting of the vast majority of Filipinos proved that it did not work.
Premise 4: Widespread indifference of the good-hearted Germans also resulted in the extermination program that killed millions of people by Hitler in Germany.
Conclusion: Millions more Thais ought to be directly participating in or actively support whatever groups they consider the best to achieve the desirable outcome.


"If you are interested, you'll do what's convenient; if you're committed, you'll do whatever it takes." - John Assaraf"
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