Sunday, March 29, 2020

Why is the ATO moving to a digital identity solution for the tax profession?

A single password system like AUSkey won’t meet this important increase in security standards, especially where an AUSkey is shared between multiple users.

In late March 2020, AUSkey will be decommissioned and the ATO will no longer support a desktop or browser based solution where access is granted to a device, rather than a verified person.They will be replaced with myGovID and Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM), which together will give you a secure, simple and flexible solution for accessing Online services for agents.

To set up myGovID and RAM for your practice, you’ll need the Principal Authority (the listed associate(s) on the ABR) to establish their own myGovID and link to the practice ABN. They (or you if you are the Principal Authority) can then authorise users through RAM and create access permissions personalised to staff and what access they need to do their jobs. A step-by-step guide is available at

You’ll also be able to access myGovID on more than one personal device. If your phone is lost or stolen, myGovID can easily be downloaded again on your replacement phone the same way that you would add other apps that you regularly use like your banking or your social media apps.

To assist you to make the transition, we have a range of support materials available. We’ve just launched a new page myGovID and RAM for tax professionals which includes a factsheet to help you and your practice make the move.


Create new authorisations – Authorised Administrator

If you are an Authorised Administrator and you are authorising other users, this explains how to create new authorisations. You can also import AUSkey users.

Video on how to authorise on the link below.

Authorisation Administrator or Authorised User

You can appoint a business representative to be either an Authorisation Administrator or Authorised User. Both types of roles will enable the business representative to act on behalf of the business when using government online services. The main difference is that an Authorisation Administrator can also manage (create/view/edit/remove) authorisations.

In addition, both Authorisation Administrators and Authorised Users can also become Machine Credential Administrators.


How to accept an authorisation in Relationship Authorisation Manager or RAM.

To accept your authorisation, you need to be a business representative who has a received an authorisation email and created their myGovID.

The authorisation email contains a 6-digit code which you’ll need to accept your authorisation.

The email also contains the code’s expiry date which is set to 7 days after the email is sent. If the code has expired, ask the person who authorised you to re-issue the code in RAM.

Note that the authorisation email will be sent to the email address provided by the person who authorised you, and this may not be the email you used to create your myGovID.

You will also need to ensure you have the appropriate myGovID identity strength for the user type you have been authorised for or you will not be able to accept the authorisation request.

You have a Standard identity strength if you’ve verified your identity in myGovID with at least two Australian government-issued identity documents. On the home screen of the myGovID app you should see your identity strength listed as Standard.

Standard identity strength users can only accept authorisations for Standard users.

You have a Basic identity strength if you haven’t verified your identity in myGovID.

On the home screen of the myGovID app you should see your identity strength listed as Basic.

Basic identity strength users can only accept authorisations for Basic users.

Select ‘Login with myGovID’

Enter your myGovID email.

A code will appear on the screen. Launch the myGovID app on your smart device and enter the code.

Enter the authorisation code sent to your email and click Submit.

Review the details and select the checkbox to declare you understand and accept.

Then click Accept.

You can now start using myGovID to access participating government online services on behalf of the businesses you’re authorised for in RAM.

Thank you for watching.

For more information, visit the RAM and myGovID website.

Friday, March 27, 2020

ကြက်သား ဘူးသီးဟင်း [Eng-Sub] Burmese Chicken & Gourd Curry


Gourd //ɡɔːrd/ /Gawwrd/

a large fruit that has a hard shell and cannot be eaten, or the shell of this fruit used as a container

Correct your English pronunciation | Canguro English

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Power BI

Power BI is a business analytics service by Microsoft. It aims to provide interactive visualizations and business intelligence capabilities with an interface simple enough for end users to create their own reports and dashboards.[1]


Power BI provides cloud-based BI (business intelligence) services, known as "Power BI Services", along with a desktop based interface, called "Power BI Desktop". It offers data warehouse capabilities including data preparation, data discovery and interactive dashboards.[2] In March 2016, Microsoft released an additional service called Power BI Embedded on its Azure cloud
platform.[3] One main differentiator of the product is the ability to load custom visualizations.


This application was originally conceived by Thierry D'Hers and Amir Netz of the SQL Server Reporting Services Team at Microsoft.[4] It was originally designed by Ron George in the summer of 2010 and named Project Crescent.[5] Project Crescent was initially available for public download on July 11, 2011 bundled with SQL Server Codename Denali.[6] Later renamed to Power BI it was then unveiled by Microsoft in September 2013 as Power BI for Office 365.[7] The first release of Power BI was based on the Microsoft Excel–based add-ins: Power Query, Power Pivot and Power View. With time, Microsoft also added many additional features like Question and Answers, enterprise level data connectivity and security options via Power BI Gateways.[2] Power BI was first released to the general public on July 24, 2015.[8]

In February 2019, Gartner confirmed Microsoft as Leader in the "2019 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Analytics and Business Intelligence Platform" as a result of the capabilities of Power BI platform [9]. This represented the 12th consecutive year of recognition of Microsoft as Leading vendor in this Magic Quadrant category (beginning 3 years before this tool was even created) [10].

Key components

Key components of the Power BI ecosystem comprises:

Power BI Desktop
The Windows-desktop-based application for PCs and desktops, primarily for designing and publishing reports to the Service.

Power BI Service  
The SaaS (software as a service) based online service (formerly known as Power BI for Office 365, now referred to as (or simply Power BI). 

Power BI Mobile Apps

The Power BI Mobile apps for Android and iOS devices, as well as for Windows phones and tablets.

Power BI Gateway

Gateways used to sync external data in and out of Power BI. In Enterprise mode, can also be used by Flows and PowerApps in Office 365.

Power BI Embedded 

Power BI REST API can be used to build dashboards and reports into the custom applications that serves Power BI users, as well as non-Power BI users.

Power BI Report Server

An On-Premises Power BI Reporting solution for companies that won't or can't store data in the cloud-based Power BI Service.

Power BI Visuals Marketplace

 A marketplace of custom visuals and R-powered visuals.


Thursday, March 19, 2020

Starting and finishing any one item on your to-do list will do wonders to relieve overwhelm.

1. Accept how you feel instead of judging yourself.

2. Write down everything you need to get out.

Get everything bothering you out on paper. Write down what's stressing you out, all that you have to do and the other thoughts or ideas occupying your mind. This will eliminate the urge to keep everything inside your head. Your mind will be free to occupy other tasks and ideas.

3. Take a break.

This break looks different for everyone. You could listen to music, do breathing exercises, read a book, play with your kids or pet or go for a walk around your block. If you don't know what's most effective at cooling you down, try different activities. See when you feel most relaxed so you can do those things more frequently.

4. Spend 10 minutes prioritizing.

You can end up spending hours working on items you don't even need until next week and neglecting things needed today.

5. Laugh with somebody about something.

Whether it's a TV show, a YouTube channel or one of your loved ones, try to find ways to laugh.

6. Exercise

If you have more time, longer workouts will also release endorphins that are beneficial for stress levels and will leave you feeling much more energized

7. Put it in a larger context.

If you fall a bit short in one place or are not able to give a different task your all, things tend to work out just fine.

the worst possible outcome is often not as bad as you're imagining.

remembering how much good you have going on, can help you feel immediately better.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Instant Hand Sanitiser


Dispense a small amount onto your palm; Rub it over all parts of your hands until dry.

For external use only. Avoid contact with eyes. In case of contact with eyes, rinse with water immediately. Discontinue use if skin irritation occurs, and consult a doctor if condition persists.
1) sanitizer
noun [ U or C ] (UK usually sanitiser)
UK/ˈsæn.ɪ.taɪ.zər/ US

(also hand sanitizer)
a liquid for washing your hands in order to get rid of harmful bacteria from them:
Public health officials have urged people to slow the spread of flu by washing their hands frequently or using a hand sanitizer.
He was constantly rubbing his hands with sanitizer because he had a lot of hands to shake.

a liquid or device for cleaning objects carefully in order to get rid of harmful bacteria from them:
The mats are cleaned with bleach-based sanitizer.

The World Health Organization has announced that COVID-19 is a pandemic.

How to protect yourself and others

Everyone must practise good hygiene to protect against infection and prevent the virus spreading.

If you have a confirmed case, you need to isolate yourself to prevent it spreading to other people.
Read protect yourself and others for advice on good hygiene, self-isolation, and social distancing.

Symptoms and when to get tested


Symptoms include fever, coughing, sore throat, fatigue, and shortness of breath.

If you have serious symptoms such as difficulty breathing, call 000 for urgent medical help.

When to get tested

If you develop symptoms within 14 days of last contact with a confirmed case or of returning to Australia, you should seek medical attention. Your doctor will tell you if you need to get tested.

How it spreads

The virus can spread from person to person through:

close contact with an infectious person (including in the 24 hours before they started showing symptoms)

contact with droplets from an infected person’s cough or sneeze

touching objects or surfaces (like doorknobs or tables) that have cough or sneeze droplets from an infected person, and then touching your mouth or face

COVID-19 is a new disease, so there is no existing immunity in our community. This means that COVID-19 could spread widely and quickly.

To help reduce the spread and protect those who are most at risk, it is important that you take the recommended steps to protect yourself and others.

There is a global shortage of the test kits that pathologists use to diagnose COVID-19. This is why we are doing targeted testing instead of widespread testing.


There is no treatment for COVID-19, but medical care can treat most of the symptoms.

Antibiotics do not work on viruses

Good hygiene

Everyone must practise good hygiene to protect against infection and prevent the virus spreading.

Good hygiene includes:

covering your coughs and sneezes with your elbow or a tissue

disposing of tissues properly

washing your hands often with soap and water, including before and after eating and after going to the toilet

using alcohol-based hand sanitisers

cleaning and disinfecting surfaces

if you are sick, avoiding contact with others and staying more than 1.5 metres away from people

Read more about protective measures against coronavirus on the World Health Organization website.

If you have a confirmed case, you need to self-quarantine to prevent it spreading to other people.

Social distancing

One way to slow the spread of viruses is social distancing. 

For example:

staying at home when you are unwell

avoiding large public gatherings if they’re not essential

keeping a distance of 1.5 metres between you and other people whenever possible

minimising physical contact, especially with people at higher risk such as older people and people with existing health conditions


There is no vaccine for COVID-19, but there is one for the flu.

You should get your flu shot when it’s available
. Getting the flu and COVID-19 at the same time can make you very ill.

Scientists from around the world are working on developing a vaccine. The World Health Organisation believes this may be available within 18 months.

1) pandemic
adjective MEDICAL specialized
/pænˈdem.ɪk/ US

(of a disease) existing in almost all of an area or in almost all of a group of people, animals, or plants:
In some parts of the world malaria is still pandemic.

noun [ C ]

a dangerous disease that infects many people at one time:
What can be done to prevent a bird flu pandemic

2) droplet
noun [ C ]
/ˈdrɒp.lət/ US

a small drop of liquid

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Part 1:Humans.

Females tend to have all the tendencies that men have. However, we tend to look down on them and discriminate them, restrict them as history has always proven. In the past, women are supposed to stay home and not have enough knowledge about outside world. In some culture, women are supposed to die as their husbands die. That is all for the selfish reason of men.

Men can have many wives but it is a bit rare for women to have many husbands in the past. In this day and age, women have equal and same rights as men. They deserve to be treated as men are. At least, we are the same human beings with five senses and longing for something.

Married women can chase some young men sometimes while married men can chase some young women sometimes. We should not be biased. Young men can also have some relations with older women while young girls can and go into old men. However, not all men and women are like that. Just some are. We all have to judge on what they do in their free time, if they like to read in their free time, if they like to take their Sila, their commitment to their religious teaching, if they like to party a lot and get involved in a bit of affairs in general etc. The same judgement is to be applied to men.

Women can have a mother like nature and can endure the pain of having a bad boyfriend while men usually cannot do the same in a given situration. It is said that it is good for both parties not to let their minds wonder around during intercourse for both parties although it can be diffcult for both parties after 6months or a year of marriage. Men tend to finish quickly and can ignore women' feelings after they finish their fulfillment. Both parties need not to be selfish.

credit: original author

Saturday, March 14, 2020

CPA Ethics & Governance - Introduction

Thursday, March 12, 2020


Unboxing, review & tutorial of a very cool new gadget by Logitech. 

This Adapter allows you to turn just about any set of speakers/surround sound system into Bluetooth/wireless capable speakers.

ref: youtube


If you spend some money on some clothes that can feed a whole village from Ethiopia, then are you a wanker?


Happiness is the key. Many people in ASEAN countries do not ride Mercedes or BMW, do not have flashy furniture show room in their expensive apartment, do not have expensive phone, or bought expensive holidays but they are happy as Larry.

Get control of your finances and be free from constraints of the rat race and be aware of targeted mass marketing that make you think brands are a must to keep up with the Joneses, be aware. The more you know the less the marketer/ sale person can rip you off.

Invest in property and shares as opposed to earning interest in bank. Inflation will out run your earned interest in the long term.

Write down your short and long term goals. give a price tag to the biggest goal and have a deadline to get there.

Money = freedom/ choice/ assistance for people who matter to you.

 Living wall street lifestyle will make you look good but eat you up in debt. Girls like those guys but not long they will realise they are bought with credit and to maintain that lifestyle is depressing especially if you don't have rich parents.

#dont keep up with the Jones. Break free. Not every average millionaire drive flashy cars. Keep your finance in order.

Ref: barefoot.


1) Joneses

Learn to pronounce

a person's neighbours or social equals.

2) wanker definition: 1. a very stupid or unpleasant person, usually a man 2. a person who masturbates.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

"If you are interested, you'll do what's convenient; if you're committed, you'll do whatever it takes." - John Assaraf"
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