Thursday, March 19, 2020

Starting and finishing any one item on your to-do list will do wonders to relieve overwhelm.

1. Accept how you feel instead of judging yourself.

2. Write down everything you need to get out.

Get everything bothering you out on paper. Write down what's stressing you out, all that you have to do and the other thoughts or ideas occupying your mind. This will eliminate the urge to keep everything inside your head. Your mind will be free to occupy other tasks and ideas.

3. Take a break.

This break looks different for everyone. You could listen to music, do breathing exercises, read a book, play with your kids or pet or go for a walk around your block. If you don't know what's most effective at cooling you down, try different activities. See when you feel most relaxed so you can do those things more frequently.

4. Spend 10 minutes prioritizing.

You can end up spending hours working on items you don't even need until next week and neglecting things needed today.

5. Laugh with somebody about something.

Whether it's a TV show, a YouTube channel or one of your loved ones, try to find ways to laugh.

6. Exercise

If you have more time, longer workouts will also release endorphins that are beneficial for stress levels and will leave you feeling much more energized

7. Put it in a larger context.

If you fall a bit short in one place or are not able to give a different task your all, things tend to work out just fine.

the worst possible outcome is often not as bad as you're imagining.

remembering how much good you have going on, can help you feel immediately better.


"If you are interested, you'll do what's convenient; if you're committed, you'll do whatever it takes." - John Assaraf"
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