Friday, January 31, 2020

Nominate someone else

If you’ve received a fine but weren't responsible for the offence, you can transfer the fine to the person who was at fault when:

  • you weren't driving the vehicle when the offence happened
  • you sold the vehicle before the date of the offence.
You must nominate the person responsible by the due date of the fine.

Nominate online

Use myPenalty to nominate online. To login, enter the penalty notice number and date of the offence, and the following information about the person responsible for the incident:
  • full name
  • address
  • date of birth
  • driver's licence number and the state/country it was issued in
  • passport number and country of issue, if you're nominating an international driver.

If you've lost your penalty notice, contact us or complete the enquiry form. You'll need the following information as proof of identification:
  • address
  • date of birth
  • licence number
  • registration number.
You must make a reasonable effort to identify the person responsible for the offence.
If you provide false or misleading information you may receive additional fines and restrictions on your licence.

Business already using eNominations

If your company is already registered for eNominations, and you have your log in and password, you can manage your nominations online.

What happens next?

You can login to myPenalty anytime to check the progress of your request. You may also need to provide more supporting evidence in writing, in person or in court.
  • If your nomination is successful, a new penalty notice will be sent to the person you named.
  • If you’ve already paid the fine before nominating another person, we’ll refund you.

Unknown driver

As the registered owner, you're responsible for any offence incurred in the vehicle until you nominate the driver responsible.
  • For camera-detected offences, photographs may assist in identifying the driver – login to myPenalty to see if photographs are available.
  • Photographs are designed to capture the number plate of the offending vehicle, not the identity of the driver, therefore, the driver may not be visible in some images.

Get the myServiceNSW app

Sign up and create a MyServiceNSW account to access government services quickly, securely and simply. You can pay a fine, renew your licence, check demerit points and more. Download the Service NSW app on the App store or Google Play.



"If you are interested, you'll do what's convenient; if you're committed, you'll do whatever it takes." - John Assaraf"
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