Saturday, January 18, 2020

How to Measure Tire Rim Size

3. Tyre construction

R means that the tyre has radial ply construction, meaning the way in which it has been constructed. Most car tyres are constructed this way so you will rarely find a car tyre without an R

Vehicle Identification Numbers (VINS )

A Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is a unique serial number used by the automotive industry to identify individual vehicles.

VIN characteristics 

VINs conform to two international standards: 

International Standards Organisation (currently ISO 3779 2009); and 

US Standard FMVSS 115; 

Every character in every position has a meaning relating to the make, model, year of manufacture and vehicle details; 

A VIN is always 17 characters long; 

A VIN can only be made up of the following characters: 0–9, A–Z (uppercase) excluding letters I, O and Q: This prevents confusion with visually similar numerals;
The first three characters make up the World Manufacturer Identifier (WMI). Every high volume manufacturer in the world is assigned its own WMI;
If the third character of the WMI is a 9, then this indicates a low volume manufacturer with positions 12–14 in the VIN indicating the low volume ID.
VINs can be decoded to identify this information so that the vehicle can be registered.


    "If you are interested, you'll do what's convenient; if you're committed, you'll do whatever it takes." - John Assaraf"
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