Saturday, April 22, 2017

Are you entitled to the public holidy pay on Easter Satursday and Sunday even if you don't work on those days?

An employee doesn’t get paid for a public holiday if they don’t normally work on the day that the public holiday falls.

Example: No ordinary hours on a public holiday

John is a part-time employee. He works Monday to Wednesday each week. This year, Boxing Day falls on a Friday.
As John’s rostered hours don’t include Fridays, he doesn’t get paid for the Boxing Day public holiday.
All employees have a right to be absent from work on a day or part day that is a public holiday.
An award, enterprise agreement or other registered agreement can set out other rules about not working on a public holiday.

Example: Ordinary hours and overtime hours falling on a public holiday

Claire is a full-time employee who usually works overtime on top of her ordinary hours on a Wednesday. She gets an overtime payment for these overtime hours under her award.
Wednesday 1 January is New Year’s Day, which is a public holiday, so Claire has the day off. Even though Claire doesn’t go to work, she still gets her base pay rate for the ordinary hours she would have normally worked. She is not entitled to payment for the overtime hours.



"If you are interested, you'll do what's convenient; if you're committed, you'll do whatever it takes." - John Assaraf"
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